All while having a strategy that gets even better results over time regardless of platform changes (looking at you ios14)!

Ready to predictably grow your business with 

return positive, scalable ads without needing a big audience, blowing your budget or
feeling overwhelmed?

Join Now

You cringe just thinking about it.

All the “big names” online are always preaching about paid ads...

. . . yet no matter what you try, you can’t seem to make them work well for your business. You’re not reaching the right people or filling up your list with dreamy potential customers. 

And your cost for each of these not-so-qualified leads? Ugh.

Throw on top of that iOS14 changes, competition increasing and constant changes...

You’ve probably heard that Facebook® & Instagram® ads are one of the most powerful tools for creating a thriving, sustainable business.

sound familiar?

Despite what you may be experiencing right now, you can successfully use ads to reach more people, make more sales, and have a bigger impact, all without:

Spending thousands of dollars. 

​​Being a tech wizard. 

​​Having a lot of experience. 

​Being an amazing copywriter. 

​Creating a ton of content. 

If you use strategies that validate results quickly, you can make smarter decisions about your ads. No need to throw away money in the name of “testing.

There are actually just a handful of things you need to know how to do on the backend. Whether you geek out further is completely up to you.

This is where I come in. I can show you exactly what to do and look for . . . and how to get people saying “yes” to your ads at every step of your sales cycle.

Ad copy is actually super learnable. When you know your ideal customer inside and out, it becomes much easier to write the kind of copy you need.

In fact, the last thing you want to do is create a bunch of content your audience may not even want. That’s why I recommend leveraging your existing assets, testing what works for your audience, and building on top of that!

and build a loyal following of raving fans who love your business

and save time on marketing activities by automating your sales cycle 

When you use the three-phase approach to designing and running ad campaigns I’m about to share with you, you’ll be able to:

Each of these outcomes is entirely within your reach...

here is the thing:

so you can focus on serving your customers, creating new products, and building an overall better business

Stop hustling so hard 

Attract “your people” 

Build better margins & make more profits

Build better margins and make more profits so you can focus on serving your customers, creating new products, and building an overall better business


Stop hustling so hard and save time on marketing activities by automating your sales cycle 


See behind multiple six and seven figure ads that have worked for YEARS


Have one place to learn proven strategies for ads


Imagine if you could...

Landing & webinar page tutorials + swipes to optimize your funnels post ads


A resource library with a plethora of recorded training videos, guides and templates


Six full courses to help you break down and implement the whole process


A go at your own pace program to kickstart your business


A self study program designed by Jenny Singh to show you how to build, launch optimize and scale your ads.

Everything is included to launch + optimize your Meta ads sustainably while adding in scalable paid ads - the Have Them At Hello way.

Get the proven strategies , so you can market yourself to your leads with the confidence, knowledge and resources to build high-converting, impactful funnels for your business -


Look no further, introducing....

The Have Them At Hello™ Accelerator is NOT another one-size-fits-all Facebook® & Instagram® ads course.

With the Accelerator you get the tools & trainings to build the right ads strategy built for your unique business, identity and customers.

Your brand is Unique. Your ad strategy should be too.

(that's why most fail you)

What All Is Included

An insider look at

Not only do you get
 videos, you ALSO get fill in the blank

Learn how to:

  • Strategically identify opportunities and gaps in your customer journey 
  • Move your ideal customers closer to a sale
  • Identify your low hanging fruit opportunities

Developing Your Ad Funnel & Customer Journey 

Module #1

Every business is unique — which means that your ad funnel will be unique, too. Learn:

  • The principles for building a funnel that best serves your business
  • Exactly what your customers want
  • Quickly test ads for $1-5/day

Building Your Have Them At Hello Ad Funnels

Module #2


  • What to do once your funnel is live. 
  • Analyze what's working with your ads quickly and what's not
  • Identify ads that are unicorns and revenue builders — and build on them!

Launching Your Minimum Viable Ad Funnel 

Module #3

This module will:

  • Walk you through exactly what you need to know to navigate Ads Manager
  • Confidently handle setting up pixels, ads, audiences, and all the other essential "tech" tasks.

Technical How-To's

Module #4

Don’t think you’re a “copywriter”? No problem! Learn how to:

  • Write ad copy and craft headlines that resonate immediately with your ideal customer
  • Build creative that stops the scroll 
  • Attract hyper-qualified buyers at every stage of your funnel!

Ad Creative & Copywriting

Module #5

Learn how to:

  • Craft ads for a sustainable ad funnel
  • Adapt this your ads to any changes in the market, competition, or your customers 
  • no matter what happens in your business, you’ll always be prepared!

Results on Autopilot: Deploying Your Full Funnel Ad Campaign

Module #6

Get you the 411 on what to do when your ads go wonky or you know they could be converting better. Learn how to:

  • Audit your ads
  • Recognize what isn’t working
  • Fine-tune your ads for increased conversions!

Auditing and Troubleshooting Campaigns

Module #7

By now you will have profitable ads but there’s still more to do. Learn how to:

  • Scale ads that are working
  • Identify signs that you need to change strategies
  • Stay ahead of the ad game

Optimizing, Nurturing & Reactivating Your Ads + Customers

Module #8

Heard about the 'big changes' that happened in 2021?

We cover all of the technical changes you need to know from then and any updates since. This program is updated consistently to ensure all technical trainings are current.

The strategy though? It stays the same since the Have Them At Hello method performs even better post ios14 changes!

iOS 14 & Updates & Beyond

Module #9

Behind the scenes breakdown of multiple six figure ad strategies, the ads themselves and the entire runway leading up to a live launch (plus the roadmap for three months prior).

Behind The Scenes of Multiple 6-Figure Launches

Bonus: ($397 VALUE)

One of the most helpful ways to learn about how ads work is to look at real-world examples.

Each month, you’ll see behind-the-scenes of one of my actual client’s ad campaigns so you can see what’s happening in real-time — including what’s working, and what’s not. 

You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of how ad strategies play out and what’s possible. That means plenty of ideas to implement in your own business!

Client Ad & Funnel Breakdowns 

Bonus:  ($697 VALUE)

Ever wondered how to turn an “OK” ad into an amazing, high-converting ad? With these ad “makeovers,” you can look over my shoulder as I revamp ad copy, layout, and creative for increased conversions.

Seeing the transformation will help you better grasp the principles so you can apply them to your own ads!

Ad Makeovers & Million $ Ad Copy Templates 

Bonus: ($497 VALUE)

Access to the breakdown of how we conceptualize and build ad creative that stands out and gets results for clients.

Ad Creative Ideation & Strategy Training

Bonus: ($397 VALUE)

With these “plug & play” style ad funnel maps, you can create a custom strategy based on your specific business model.

Just plug in your details, and you’ll get my recommendations for what ads to deploy for your specific funnel!

It’s like having your own private ads strategist in your back pocket (without the 1:1 price-tag!)

Offer + Product Launch Strategy

Bonus: Pay In Full Only

Accelerator is a one of a kind program because

it provides everything you need to launch and optimize your lead generation and sales ads.

The age old question as always been: are my ads the problem or my sales funnels? What's working and what's not?

This program covers our ad, copywriting and creative expertise over the past 9+ years in the online business space. 

During that time we've seen behind over 200 client funnels (our clients stay 2+ years) and we have coached thousands of online entrepreneurs.

This means we've seen it all.

Inside Accelerator we've distilled down the core foundational elements we see working time and time again.

The outcome?

The right foundation to scale your ads for your business.

​End up right where they started . . . still hustling, still struggling . . . instead of enjoying the growth and freedom that comes from automating the sales cycle.

Get discouraged by the poor ROI and conversions from their ads and maybe even give up, believing that this powerful tool “just doesn’t work” for their business.

Waste dozens or even hundreds of hours over the never several months trying to piece together an ads strategy from questionable sources . . . and waste even more time trying to fix the inevitable problems.



Here’s the truth: yes, you could keep trying to figure out
a successful ads strategy yourself.

There are plenty of free resources out there.

Toss thousands of dollars down the toilet in the name of “testing” instead of using the smart, cost-effective strategies you’ll learn as part of the Accelerator


Inside we are covering every type of ad to build a system you need for success:

These are the proven strategies across clients, industries and behind our own funnels to increase sales and profitability.

An ad stystem that supports your business

Get access to the creative, copy and strategy behind ad strategies that are successful regardless of platform changes.


>> Foundational Have Them At Hello strategy
>> Self-liquidating offer + low-ticket 
>> Lead Magnet
>> Webinar ads
>> Challenge + Flash Sale 
>> So much more

A Facebook & Instagram strategy that scales

Your business is unique. Inside the funnels we will walk you through how to choose your funnels, which to build first, when to add more into the mix for your business and how to optimize each.

By the end you will have a machine that is attracting your ideal customers, accelerating the sales cycle and scaling your business.

Successful, proven messaging & creative



1 Payment of

Join Now

BEST Savings!

9-Module Course Covering the Entire Ad Framework 
9 Bonus Trainings 
Most Profitable Customer Dashboard

6 Payments of

Join NOw

and generate revenue that can cover your investment many times over!

Learning a sustainable way to run profitable ads could save your business thousands . . .

9-Module Course Covering the Entire Ad Framework 
9 Bonus Trainings 
Most Profitable Customer Dashboard
Offer & Product Launch Strategy

9-Module Course Covering the Entire Ad Framework 
9 Bonus Trainings 
Most Profitable Customer Dashboard

3 Payments of


Join NOw


Easy Access


fter spending the last seven years helping clients grow to multiple six and seven figures,

I have consistently seen and heard the same issues persist when clients first come to me.

They’re tired, burnt out and nervous when it comes to Facebook ads.

They know paid ads can be the key to automating and growing their business but frankly - they had no clue how to do it in a way that was sustainable and with integrity.

They’re tired, burnt out and nervous when it comes to Facebook ads.

They know paid ads can be the key to automating and growing their business but frankly - they had no clue how to do it in a way that was sustainable and with integrity.

I want to help you expand your impact and build a sustainable, long term, revenue generating ads strategy. You and I are united by a desire to make an impact on the people we want to serve.

fter spending the last seven years helping clients grow to multiple six and seven figures,

I have consistently seen and heard the same issues persist when clients first come to me.


Are you new around here? Before we pop that cork, let me introduce myself! Hello, I'm Jenny, founder of Have Them At Hello.

Skip the frustration with the help of an ads expert who wants to see you succeed!

the results

It's not just clients that get results...
it's thousands of business owners too.


frequently asked

>> Are ready to move away from the instability of organic and word of mouth and create recurring, passive leads and sales by scaling your products and offers with ads
>> Have already validated your offer, and you’re looking to amplify your impact
>> Know who your audience is and how you want to serve them
>> Are ready to invest time, money, and energy into learning ad strategies, so long as you know that your investment will attract the right audiences, automate their purchases, and bring you closer to a profitable, sustainable business
>> Already have funnels + ads working but aren't getting the return you want OR know you could uplevel your strategies and get better results
>> Want access to what’s currently working . . . AND to do things in an honest, sustainable way

However, this program is not quite for you if you . . . 

>> Don’t have the time or energy to learn and implement new strategies
>> Are still in the “ideas phase” of business and don’t have a social media presence
>> Are sinking in business and launching from a place of stress and financial strain 
>> Want to use ads as a way to “get rich quick” and aren’t interested in a building a sustainable business
>> Are looking for “hot tips” to get easy wins and don’t care whether they work in the long run

I created this program because I consistently heard from business owners that they weren’t getting results from their ads, even after investing in other places. The methods I teach are the same ones I use daily for my multiple 6- and 7-figure client campaigns . . . and in my own business, too!

In other words, these are not outdated methods hawked by someone fake. They’re all based on real, current data.

It’s all good! The Have Them at Hello Method will still work for you - we’ll just skip the first phase and validate your ads with a cold audience first. My clients taking this approach still see great return on their ads - which means you can, too!

Then this course is perfect for you! Because before you can outsource effectively, you need ads that are already working.

Without proven ads, you’ll be paying an ads manager to test your strategy. This means waiting at least 30-90 days before you can see any predictable returns on ad spend. Many ads managers won’t even take on a new client who doesn’t have proven ads!

Also, as the leader of your business, you should know how your ads work and how to analyze data. That way, when you do outsource your ads, you can better understand what your ads manager is doing and the results they’re getting. 

If you start with the Have Them At Hello Accelerator, you’ll be in a great position to outsource successfully later on!

Everyone has a different idea of what “results” means to them, so unfortunately I can’t promise you’ll get the results you’re looking for. It’s also important to recognize that ads are not a magic fix to deeper problems in your business.

Still, I know that ads are one of the most important skills a business owner can develop. Because when you know how to advertise in a sustainable way, you have so much more predictability.

In Have Them At Hello, we don’t focus on arbitrary numbers. Our goal with your ads is to consistently improve and optimize!

The Have Them At Hello Accelerator is a no refund program due to the digital nature of the content as well as the instant access to all digital content. Please ensure you are fully committed and ready to dive in before enrolling. 

Join Now

Ready to get off the organic marketing hamster wheel?